Hello Blogosphere! I’m Back…

I’ve been terrible at updating this blog and I apologize to those of you who would have liked more frequent posts. There was a particular subject I wanted to touch upon but, because I never figured out how to quite say it, I didn’t get around to blogging at all. That subject will be covered next January—it deserves a bit more time and attention than I can give it now.

In the meantime, I have been writing and causing as much chaos as I can.

After stepping away from The Dark Matter Chronicles series to work on another project, I’ve decided to return to my first book for a bit of polishing.  While it was tough to walk away from the universe of the Arcana, time and space was just what I needed to get some perspective on my priorities. I think it will help make Volume 2 in the series better.

So, I’ll leave you now with a thought on priorities, and a promise that the next blog post will be up sooner rather than later.



By mxkremzen

One comment on “Hello Blogosphere! I’m Back…

  1. Pingback: Two very important anniverseries | The HeSo Project

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